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Peter Marcus
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: (720), 891-8280

Ellen Roberts resigns from state Senate

Durango lawmaker to focus on family after 10 years in Legislature

Special interest mailers add heat to House District 59 race

Much of the content is misleading at best, fabricated at worse

ColoradoCare would create universal health care payment system

Opponents say residents would end up paying more for health care

Clinton promises to protect Americans from Trump

Campaigns in Pueblo as election nears

Darryl Glenn willing to give Donald Trump a chance

Suspends support while he evaluates ‘what’s in his heart’

School funding, pollution are priorities for Barbara McLachlan

Former teacher wants to unseat House District 59 incumbent

J. Paul Brown wants to work on water, infrastructure needs

Incumbent seeks third term in state House District 59

Scott Tipton, J. Paul Brown stick with Donald Trump

After lewd tape revealed, others in state GOP jumping ship

Amendment would benefit ranchers, rafting companies

Measure would give exemption on using government-owned property

Amendment aims to strike slavery language from Colorado Constitution

Archaic law concerns enslavement as punishment

Durango breweries take medals home from Great American Beer Festival

Steamworks, Ska and Carver each awarded at competitive beer contest

Craft beer competition keeps getting tougher at GABF

Durango brewers prepared to battle nation’s best